Monday, October 20, 2014


Step 2: In a new blog entry titled "Still Life Preview" and answer the following questions

1. Review the painting example and provide a list of three items that were often seen in painted still life artwork.
Food, plants, and rocks

2. In your own words, write a paragraph that explains what factors the photographer must consider when doing still life photography.
A photographer needs to take everything into consideration. One example would be lighting. You wouldn't want to shoot fruit in the same lighting that you would a candle. Another example would be the object itself. For example, if you're shooting a candle, you wouldn't want to take shots at very high exposures (unless that is your desired effect). However, something like an apple you can take at a very high exposure and not have to worry. Other things like when you shoot, where you shoot, and if there would be any distractions or moving objects in the back should also be taken into consideration.

3. Why is the Aperture Priority mode on the camera helpful when doing still life photography?
So you can select the correct aperture, so you can control the depth of field.
4. Why is a small aperture sometimes beneficial for still life photography?
To influence depth of field.

Step 3: Explore ideas for Stock Photography sites above and answer the questions below.

1. Find an example of Stock Photography that interests you and post it to your blog.

2. What is an example of Stock Photography that you could take at your home or in Austin?

3. Who is interested in buying stock photography?
Companies would be very interested in stock photography.
4. Why should commercial photographers consider shooting stock photography?
There will always be a demand for stock photography.

Step 4: Plan your Still Life Shoot

1. What are some objects that you have that you could arrange for a Still Life shoot?
I could use fruit. I would need a background and a tripod and camera as well (of course)
2. What meaning would the grouping of these objects create if captured in a photograph
(If it were my keys, drivers license and my Turner Motorsport membership) the items would represent that I am passionate about cars.
3. What backdrop/background could you use to enhance the emphasis on subject or contribute to setting the scene of the photograph?

 I could use either a black or white background.

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